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Environmental Stewardship

CEA believes first and foremost that local energy stakeholders should be good environmental stewards.  We choose to live here because of our incredible quality of life in this beautiful region, and we want to preserve it for future generations.


Renewable Energy

It is imperative that we support renewable energy as a part of the overall energy solution.  We need to reduce delay and uncertainty in local and regional permitting processes to ensure we can expand this local power source.


Local Power Generation

Safe, reliable, affordable energy powers our economy and allows our families to thrive.  We must ensure a continued supply of local energy resources to reduce the need to import over long distances to secure our future.

More information coming soon!


California Fuel Facts

California's energy economy is complex. Learn the facts about how one of the world's largest economies keeps the lights on and moves us forward.


Local Jobs and Powering the Economy

Several studies have been conducted showing the importance of the energy industry in creating high-paying jobs and funding critical programs for local governments like education and public safety.  Learn more about the facts here.

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Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydraulic fracturing is a complex issue, learn more about how it works and get the facts on how the energy industry is unlocking potential reserves here in California.

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